Friday, February 1, 2013

Thrift and Pawn #2

More songs about buildings and food thrift and pawn stores

It's funny how the mind works, well at least how mine works. I was trying to remember a song with thrift stores in the lyrics, or about thrift stores, and something in the back of my mind kept saying, "What about The Dead Milkmen? Didn't they have one about thrift stores?" And I kept telling myself, "No, that was about South Street, it mentions Zipperheads, but not thrift stores."

But then my brain said, "No, I vaguely remember a line about a thrift store in one of their songs. I know it's been a long time since we've listened to them, but go back and take a look."
Well, whatta ya know, my brain was right, from "Quality of Death"
"The man who spoke at graduation
said "life doesn't come with a manual"
but one week later I found one
in that Thrift Store on Second and Samuel"

So there's another one that mentions thrift stores. I'm sure my brain will keep trying to think of others.

But my brain didn't stop there. It said, "You know, there's another one, it's not about thrift stores, but it's about people selling stuff on the street. You know sort of like in Ronnie Lane's Debris." I said, 'What are you talking about?'
It said, "You know, the one about the guy buying back his thing from some street vendor."
"Thing, what thing?" I said.
"You know, his thing!"  my brain said.
"Oh", I said, that song. "Yeah, that sort of relates. I'll post that one."
So here it is, it sort of ties in with Thrift Stores and Pawn Shops, well not really, but it is about a guy buying back his penis from a guy selling stuff from a blanket on a street in New York. ( Funny how my brain wouldn't come right out and say penis)
 Without further ado, King Missile with "Detachable Penis"


Or if you want the uncensored version.

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